Good questions. 

While OpenSim.Framework should be a general framework/library that can be used 
in other programs, it has very much turned out to be more of a internal 
framework for building the various opensim servers. 

Also there is a question of if opensim.framework should actually have service 
classes like your rest sending, or be more for the base classes and data 

I really dislike the OpenSim.Framework.Communications project, as its turned 
out to really be a place where a lot of things have been dumped when we wasn't 
sure where else to put them. And I really want to split that up and cut it 
down. A lot of it will be moved out once I finish with moving the comms manager 
stuff to modules.

So I think the best solution from where we find ourselves is to go with another 
namespace. Either OpenSim.Lib or OpenSim.Services. I've been thinking of a 
services namespace a little bit recently as there are a number of service 
classes/modules that could be shared between regions and UGAIM servers. So 
don't fit into either's namespace, but don't really fit in any of the existing 
framework namespaces either. Although I did also think of a 
OpenSim.Framework.Services namespace.

Anyway I'm not sure about using OpenSimLib though, as all the rest of the 
namespaces have the OpenSim.XXXX format. So think we most likely should keep to 
that. So OpenSim.Lib?

Hmm, also there is the opensim-lib part of svn where we keep things like our 
modifications to libomv. So is there going to be confusion with that?

--- On Fri, 13/3/09, Diva Canto <> wrote:
From: Diva Canto <>
Subject: Re: [Opensim-dev] OpenSim dll for use by other programs
Date: Friday, 13 March, 2009, 11:50 PM

Here's a suggestion.

We could have another project under OpenSim called


This would be a place for putting things that are meant to be used both
by OpenSim and by other programs.

We could start with



I suspect several data structures would move there.

But this raises the question about OpenSim.Framework -- is it supposed
to be _that_ OpenSimLib? I see some of that, but it's mostly assuming
that the "other programs", other than OpenSim.exe, are exactly the 5 U
G A I M servers. I'm now thinking that clients (all sorts of clients)
will want to use some of that too.

Yeah, maybe OpenSim.Framework is the right place to put this kind of
code? What do you think? Should I move the sending side functions of
RESTComms to OpenSim.Framework.Communications?

Diva Canto wrote:

Cool, I'm glad to see there are more cases.

In my case, this piece of comm needs stuff from OpenSim.Framework
(RegionInfo, AgentCircuitData) and other data structures from other
places in opensim (Region.Framework.Scenes.AgentData), which is a bit
of a mess that needs to be cleaned up too.


[RegionInfo, btw, is E.V.I.L -- I've wasted several hours over the past
several months fighting with the ExternalEndPoint property. I always
get it wrong. If we are to expose something like that to other fellow
humans, I'll probably define another, much simpler, data structure.]



Dahlia Trimble wrote:
  I had a similar intention with Primmesher. Currently there
is a primmesher.dll project on forge which is a dll containing the 2
files Primmesher.cs and Sculptmesh.cs. My intent was to have a single
dll file which could be used by both OpenSim and viewer projects
wishing to implement prims and sculpties. In order to make this a
standalone dll I had to create internal types for quaternions and
vectors, and the associated methods and operators. In this case it is a
small duplication of code in other modules in OpenSim, but it's
probably ok as I needed to extend those types while coding Primmesher
anyway. The code on forge and in OpenSim are identical and one could
easily delete those 2 files from OpenSim and just use the dll file from
forge. This was my intent but I ran into some difficulties with
prebuild.xml and the location of the dll file in the physics folder in
the OpenSim tree, as it would not build successfully on some systems.
So for now I am maintaining both source trees and keeping the code in


    On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Diva
Canto <>

need more architectural advice.


I'm working on a client that has all the control over the agents. For

that, it uses the sending part of the RESTInterregionComms module that I

did a couple of months ago -- a module which now is clearly out of

place. That module is not about interregion comms; it's about comms

involving regions, but not necessarily *between* regions. In my case,

it's between the client and the region. I'm "using

OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Communications.REST" in my client --


So, I want to break it down into 2 parts, sending and receiving. The

question is: where should I place these two parts? The receiving part

can continue to be a region module in CoreModules -- that's perfectly

fine. But how about the sending part?


The sending part needs to be in a dll that can be used by other programs

out there, just like my client. This is, in fact, what will make OpenSim

interoperable from the  outside -- its use API, as opposed to the

wonderful extension API provided by region modules. Should these things

be in OpenSim.Framework.*? I was tempted to think so, but then I looked

at what's in there, and it's clearly facing the internals. Should it be

in OpenSim.Region.Communications.*?

OpenSim.Region.CoreModules.Communications.REST with sending and

receiving parts as separate modules? (but then the importers of this

will get all the other CoreModules as a dll, which doesn't feel right)


Your thoughts appreciated. Just think of what makes sense from a program

that wants to use OpenSim libraries.



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