On the server-side, this can be made configurable, default to false. If server admins want to serve jpgs, let's let them. Since this work is being done within the Idealist viewer, a separate issue is whether you want Idealist to assume the existence of jpgs on the server or not. But that's a client-side decision.

Dahlia Trimble wrote:
I don't think it's a goal of OpenSim to serve texture assets to web browsers, nor should it be. Such a move would open doors to texture piracy and reduce any incentives for content creators to distribute their content on any OpenSim based platform. Grid operators who would want to serve their texture assets as jpeg files and make them available to web browsers could write their own conversion programs to do so.

Personally I would not upload any of my textures to any service that distributes them as jpeg over http unless they were creative commons textures.

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Tommi Laukkanen <tommi.s.e.laukka...@gmail.com <mailto:tommi.s.e.laukka...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    I think j2k is not really supported by any main stream web browser
    software nor SDK APIs of different languages. Requiring opejpeg native
    lib to be included in all clients is not a good design decission. It
    would be much cleaner if you can operate with the nativate image
    manipulation API like System.Drawing in .NET. The converted JPEG's can
    be easily cached for now. It is only the SL viewers which require it
    because of some odd design decission from Linden Lab. I would not be
    surprised if in the future textures will be stored as png and
    converted to j2k for sl protocol. In high quality virtual world
    lossless texture format could be preferable. Odd codecs should not be
    forced on other protocols and clients based on ll behaviour.
    Especially if we are experimenting with new brand of client / protocol
    stacks like IdealistViewer and MXP.

    I truly hope metaverse is not stuck with openjepg and j2k. Those
    native libs tend to be more trouble than they are worth unless you
    absoletuly need them.

    Using the accept headers sounds like a good idea to me and if it is ok
    with the team I could implement region asset service as Diva suggested
    in the patch notes and Accept header support. I can put in cache as
    well to avoid performance bottleneck. About image quality: we will end
    up transforming from j2k anyway to some image format the client
    rendering engine supports. I can also convert from j2k to png instead
    of jpg to avoid any degradation as png is lossless format.

    One could also consider naming the class as proxy as it will proxy the
    call to local or remote asset server. Doing local caching on proxy is
    a pattern used in http proxies and it could work for us as well.
    Caching assets on region would lower the load on the grid asset

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