From: Justin Clark-Casey <>
As regards to OpenSim contributions, I doubt that the viewer license change to LGPL will make any difference. LGPL just
makes it possible to link non-GPL code to the viewer code.  The viewer co
de itself is still virally licensed.

Justin, where did you get this information? Its not the way it was presented at SLCC (I watched the entire announcement and read the postings afterwards by LL). So, its not the way I read it, but we need to check. They even amended the licence from GPL to LGPL for a lot of the top level parts of the viewer source code as I examined some of the key commitdiffs.

LGPL or an equivalent is very important. Its the way we have licensed our own open source contributions for many years since we genuinely want the stuff we create to be used very widely without restrictions. We have had to avoid GPL elements and contributions in our key systems for all those reasons developers will be familiar with.

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