Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but wondering if anyone
can help me with a problem I'm trying to solve while tinkering around
with OpenSim/BitCoin integration. (I'm doing this mainly for my own
entertainment - when we discussed it on opensim-users the other day
the community didn't seem that into it).

My ultimate aim is that rather than money being stored in a database
on a central server, everyone would be in control of their own money,
which would be stored locally on their PC. There would be a money
module on the server which would deal with managing BitCoin addresses
for avatars and confirming transactions, but rather than making
transactions itself like the existing DTL server, it would just tell
the client on the PC how much to pay and to what address, then confirm
that the transaction had been made and deliver inventory etc.

Rather than hacking BitCoin integration into the viewer, I'm thinking
it might be good to run a separate piece of client software - a custom
BitCoin client responsible for managing the user's money - alongside
the viewer. When the money module on the server thinks the client
should spend some money on something (eg because the user made a "buy"
request with their viewer), I want it to send a message to the viewer,
and have that message somehow get to the BitCoin client program.

I think I know how to do this if I don't mind putting a human in the
middle of the process: The money module tell the viewer to show the
user a message saying, "Please pay 0.1 BitCoins to address xyz", and
the user would open the BitCoin client and pay the money, then the
server would check the payment and complete the transaction. But it
would be better if I could somehow get the viewer to pass the
information on to the client behind the scenes, without bothering the

So without altering existing viewers, can anyone suggest a way to get
a message from the server, via the viewer, to another process? The
other process could be listening on a local port, watching a file or
doing whatever it needs to do. I'm open to nasty hacks, but not
really, really nasty hacks.

PS. I'm new to OpenSim module development and I've never tried to hack
the viewer, so be gentle with me if there's some kind of fundamental
misunderstanding behind my question...

Edmund Edgar
Founder, KK Social Minds
Educational Technology for the Web and Virtual Worlds
+81 090 3912 3380
Skype: edmundedgar
Second Life: Edmund Earp
Linked In: edmundedgar
Twitter: @edmundedgar
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