On Nov 11, 2011, at 10:43 AM, Edmund Edgar wrote:
> Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but wondering if anyone
> can help me with a problem I'm trying to solve while tinkering around
> with OpenSim/BitCoin integration. (I'm doing this mainly for my own
> entertainment - when we discussed it on opensim-users the other day
> the community didn't seem that into it).

Cool to hear - I've also thought of it a bit, when someone asked about it, as 
it would be simple to integrate in the Naali / Tundra client.

> Rather than hacking BitCoin integration into the viewer, I'm thinking
> it might be good to run a separate piece of client software - a custom
> BitCoin client responsible for managing the user's money - alongside
> the viewer. When the money module on the server thinks the client

Please do it like this so we can use it too :) (we don't use slviewer)

> So without altering existing viewers, can anyone suggest a way to get
> a message from the server, via the viewer, to another process? The
> other process could be listening on a local port, watching a file or
> doing whatever it needs to do. I'm open to nasty hacks, but not
> really, really nasty hacks.

I don't know if there is anything in the LSL api for this -- I know LSL can 
open http connections, to do xml-rpc style stuff, but probably that is for the 
server side only.

Dunno if a webview in a client could do it, perhaps if you can use the url 
opening command to open a html page in slviewer's webview that would send the 
command with http to the local money component .. might be though that the same 
origin policy in browsers prevents that.

> PS. I'm new to OpenSim module development and I've never tried to hack
> the viewer, so be gentle with me if there's some kind of fundamental
> misunderstanding behind my question...

I don't see any misunderstanding, just that AFAIK vanilla slviewer doesn't 
support this. Would certainly be hackable there somehow.

If you make the standalone component, I can do a proof of concept test UI for 
it to Naali/Tundra :) Perhaps someone can hack it then somehow to some slviewer 
based thing too. Unless there already is some way that I just don't know about.

> Edmund Edgar


> Founder, KK Social Minds
> Educational Technology for the Web and Virtual Worlds
> e...@socialminds.jp
> +81 090 3912 3380
> Skype: edmundedgar
> Second Life: Edmund Earp
> Linked In: edmundedgar
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> http://www.socialminds.jp
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