
I am sponsoring this case for Laszlo (Laca) Peter from
the desktop group.  I have made this an automatic approval
if anyone is concerned with that then I'll set a timer for
next week.  Just let me know.  The case directory contains
this proposal and a couple of documents from the community
describing the changes to the library.

This project delivers the latest version of libpng, version 
1.4.3 into Solaris.  It also updates the legacy 1.2.x and 
1.0.y versions to the latest micro releases: 1.2.44 and 1.0.54.
Patch release binding is requested.



Title:          libpng 1.4.3
Case:           PSARC/2010/313
Submitter:      Laszlo Peter
Owner:          John Fischer
Timeout:        Automatic

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Project/Component Working Name:

    libpng 1.4.3 for Solaris
1.2 Purpose

    This project delivers the latest version of libpng, version 1.4.3
    into Solaris.  It also updates the legacy 1.2.x and 1.0.y versions
    to the latest micro releases: 1.2.44 and 1.0.54.

    Patch release binding is requested.
2.0 Description 

    libpng is a widely used C library for working with Portable Network
    Graphics images.  It has multiple mostly API-compatible, but
    ABI-incompatible branches.  They are parallel installable, but one
    is the default for development purposes.  Currently libpng 1.2.x
    is the default branch.  This update makes the 1.4.x branch the
    default one.

2.1 Security Issues Addressed

    These libpng releases incorporate security fixes:

    An additional memory-leak bug, involving images with malformed
    sCAL chunks, is also present; it could lead to an application
    crash (denial of service) when viewing such images. 

2.2 Additional Changes

    The differences between the 1.4 and 1.2 branches are detailed in
    libpng-ANNOUNCE-1.4.1.txt in the case directory.

    A comprehensive list of changes from release to release is
    in libpng-CHANGES.txt in the case directory.

3.0 Delivery

    This project is targetting a Patch release of the Solaris OS.

    Availability and file locations:

    |   Package name       |                File locations                 |
    | SUNWpng              | /usr/lib/                       |
    |                      | /usr/lib/{amd64,sparcv9}/       |
    | IPS:                 | /usr/lib/                        |
    | image/library/libpng | /usr/lib/{amd64,sparcv9}/        |
    |                      | /usr/lib/                        | 
    |                      | /usr/lib/{amd64,sparcv9}/        |
    | SUNWpng-devel        | /usr/bin/libpng-config -> libpng14-config     |
    |                      | /usr/bin/{amd64,sparcv9}/libpng-config        |
    | IPS:                 | /usr/bin/libpng1[024]-config                  |
    | image/library/libpng | /usr/bin/{amd64,sparcv9}/libpng1[024]-config  |
    |                      | /usr/include/libpng -> libpng14               | 
    |                      | /usr/include/libpng1[024]                     |
    |                      | /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libpng.pc -> libpng14.pc   |
    |                      | /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libpng1[024].pc            |
    |                      | /usr/lib/{amd64,sparcv9}/pkgconfig/libpng.pc  |
    |                      |                             -> libpng14.pc    |
    |                      | /usr/lib/{amd64,sparcv9}/pkgconfig/           |
    |                      |                             libpng1[024].pc   |

4.0 Interface Classification

    The project exports the following interfaces:

    |                           Interfaces Exported                         |
    |      Interface Name          |   Classification   |     Comment       |
    |               | Committed          |                   |
    |                | Obsolete Committed | LSARC/2003/085    |
    |                | Obsolete Committed | LSARC/2003/085    |
    | SUNWpng                      | Committed          | package names     |
    | SUNWpng-devel                | Committed          |                   |
    | image/library/libpng         | Committed          |                   |

5.0 References

    Original ARC case:   LSARC/2003/085
    Upstream Web site:

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