> There have been occasions where a FreeBSD RELEASE is
> not on time, but they typically have RC1, RC2, etc.,
> until the final RELEASE.  Such as the case with
> FreeBSD 8.0.  I believe there was only to be RC1 and
> RC2, but there were actually four release
> candidates.
> As with the case of a release taking a long time, and
> I don't recall how long it took for the 5.0 branch
> release, however, even if it took 2 years, the 4.x
> release branch was still being actively developed.
> Here with OpenSolaris, we are stuck with a release
> that is one year old, and no release candidates have
> been published.  Unless you consider 134 a RC, but
> I'd consider it more of a -stable because I don't
> think it has been frozen and is ready for a release.
>  Build 138 would be more -current.
> Just my take.


 I do consider 134 as an RC because  it was said last year that next stable 
release would be  2010.02 and be based from b 134 but how would that be 
possible, if build 134 was released on march 8?  b134 is not that old, it's 
three or four months old  depending  how you look at it and respins of b134 are 
being worked on. 

I would be concern if only b133 was out and not b134
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