On 10/14/11 04:04 AM, William Bauer wrote:
Here are my first impressions:

I find the comments about the font revealing.  Shows who wasn't around for the early 
pizza box sparc workstations.  This font is a throwback to the "old" Sun days, 
which I find peculiar for Oracle!  But a nice nod to the past.

Yes, it installs--at least for me.  I've tried it on three systems, including a VB 
guest.  Installs&  boots fine.  zpool is at v33, ZFS v5.  Have there been 
multiple EA releases?  I think mine is v173?

It seems to recognize the new chipsets from Intel.  On my Thinkpad t420s, it 
finally has a video driver (i915 driver), and compiz even works with this 
driver.  It also recognizes the new e1000g chips on my t420s and my Dell 
Optiplex 990 at work.  Doesn't recognize the wireless chip on my laptop, 
however.  I had to plumb the laptop's e1000g manually, but it didn't complain.  
I think ndp somehow caused the e1000g not plumbing at boot based on an error I 
saw fly by.

I'm hoping more packages are added.  Several things are missing.  For me, a helpful tool 
I use a lot is "meld".  Works great for network folks that deal with things 
like Cisco IOS configs often.  meld is not in the EA release, but Palm sync is still 

I thought NIS was absent, but it's installed by default now.

It does seem sluggish, and someone else made a comment that might agree with 
this as well.

Mostly I'm concerned about the packages.  I hope this isn't the final 
collection.  I wish I could remember what else I found missing, but I'm drawing 
a blank.

I may try running this as my desktop at work for a few days to get a better 
feel for it.  I'll just break up my ZFS mirror, then install on one of those 

I've found in playing around with Express that the base OS install is much more minimal, which I really like. I'd add that I've found it very easy to find and install packages from the repository via 'pkg search (name)' and then 'pkg install'.



Brian Wilson, Solaris SE, UW-Madison DoIT
Room 3114 CS&S            608-263-8047
'I try to save a life a day. Usually it's my own.' - John Crichton

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