On Sat, 2017-03-25 at 16:10 +0000, Salz, Rich via openssl-dev wrote:
> > Please, in the final OpenSSL license text add the paragraph linked 
> > in the above LLVM mailing list as an exception to the Apache
> > license.
> > 
> > We should make sure using OpenSSL in GPLv2-only projects its 
> > possible without any trouble or concern for developers.
> The problem is that if it is distributed under the GPLv2 there is no
> patent protection, and that is important to us.

I've already told you once that this is a factually incorrect statement
because (L)GPLv2 contains an implicit patent licence:


but you can have it from a more authoritative source if you like:


Additionally, since under Apache-2.0 the explicit patent grants are
captured on contribution, they can't be lost again by the act of using
the LLVM exception to distribute a portion of the code under another


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