Hi there,

> > yet your tethereal output is interlaced with some LDAP
> > debugging messages, one is the server sending a "Bad message type"
> > message to the client and the client sending a "LDAP Invalid LDAP packet"
> > message back to the server?? How is it possible that LDAP messages are
> > being exchanged when the second ssldump output doesn't show *any* payload
> > moving across the wire?
> I really appreciate you taking the time to look at this.
> I can't say 100%, but I suspect that tethreal is *trying* to
> interpert/decode everything on TCP port 389 as LDAP.

oh, yes I suppose that would explain the LDAP debugging noise.

In that case, going back to the ssl trace for the second connection ... it 
gets no further than sending the client hello when the server closes the 
connection. So either the server is simply closing the connection before it 
even receives/reads the client hello (a race completely outside SSL), or it 
is closing the connection down upon receiving/reading it (perhaps a race on 
the ability to SSL_read/SSL_write on the stream). Either way, what seems 
obvious to me is that it is a race between the second SSL handshake and 
whatever the condition is that causes the server to shut it down before it's 
"ready". That it's obvious to me doesn't mean it has any basis in reality 
though :-)

Can you get any log messages from the server as to "errors" it is reporting 
at the time these connections are being dumped that are *not* reported when 
the connections are going OK? It could be a race condition above the LDAP 
layer, or inside it (above the SSL layer) - and it might also turn out to be 
associated with the first connection/stream rather than the second. (Though 
knowing nothing about the application in question, it's difficult to know 
what the relationship between those two are - different threads?) Either way, 
it looks like the "decision" to break ties is made at the server, so that's 
probably where you should look to for clues as to why.


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