--On Thursday, March 23, 2017 11:41 AM -0400 Rich Salz <rs...@openssl.org> wrote:

If you have contributed code to OpenSSL, we'd like you to take a look
at our licensing website, https://license.openssl.org and give approval
to our converting to the Apache Software License.

You can find more details at our most recent blog entry,

The major problem with the existing license is that it conflicts with the GPLv2. The new license also conflicts with the GPLv2. This was immediately brought up as a serious problem when this discussion began in July of 2015. It appears that the feedback that the APL does not solve these serious problems with how OpenSSL was licensed was ignored. Sad to see that.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Product Architect
Symas Corporation
Packaged, certified, and supported LDAP solutions powered by OpenLDAP:

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