Thanks everyone for the discussion (mainly in June) about this.  There’s a blog 
post describing what we’ve done for the 1.1.1 release:


Nice. But some important things could be made clearer.


We added a new configuration parameter, --with-rand-seed, which takes a 
comma-separated list of values for seed sources. Each method is tried in turn, 
stopping when enough bits of randomness have been collected.

What’s the default if “with-rand-seed” was not provided? All of the listed 
supported types? None of them? Some of them…?
What is the order in which the seed sources are tried (both when 
“with-random-seed” was and was not given)? 
What should I do if I want a given source to be used in addition to the other 
sources, regardless of whether openssl thinks it got “enough bits” of 
randomness or not?

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