On Sat, Dec 28, 2013 at 12:58:58PM -0600, Bobber wrote:

> >Does this modify the ciphers used for all connections, or just for
> >the server in question?
> All connections.

In that case I would go for the second cipherlist, though still
compact, it is a superset of the first and will interoperate with
more peer systems.

> >     aNULL:-aNULL:AES128+kEECDH:AES128+kEDH:AES128+kRSA:RC4-SHA
> >
> >this prefers aNULL, since you don't check the certs anyway.

Assuming of course that qmail can handle aNULL ciphers.  If not, use:


which is 16 ciphers in total and includes RC4-SHA as a last resort.

I am not aware of any SMTP servers that support TLS, but offer
neither AES128 nor RC4-SHA.

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