On 16 April 2014 05:48, chetan <chet...@neominds.in> wrote:
> If this is only ECDH than how to perform ECDHE?
> what changes i have to made in this code?

Well the final E in ECHDE stands for ephemeral. It is not really a
difference in the way the algorithm itself works, but more about how
it is used. With ECDH both parties will reuse the same keys between
different invocations, and therefore end up with the same shared
secret each time. In ECDHE, one or both parties will create a new key
each time that a shared secret is required. In order for that to work
they will have to exchange public keys. How that happens is protocol
specific (and you haven't said what protocol you are going to be
using). The public keys can be exchanged in-the-clear - but they
*must* be authenticated in some way (e.g. by use of a MAC or digital
signature). Typically you might use RSA or ECDSA to do this. Failure
to authenticate the key exchange will leave you open to a
man-in-the-middle attack.

The actual key generation is quite straight forward and is done in the
code sample on the wiki page link I originally sent you.

The important bit is this bit:

/* Create the context for the key generation */
if(NULL == (kctx = EVP_PKEY_CTX_new(params, NULL))) handleErrors();

/* Generate the key */
if(1 != EVP_PKEY_keygen_init(kctx)) handleErrors();
if (1 != EVP_PKEY_keygen(kctx, &pkey)) handleErrors();

/* Get the peer's public key, and provide the peer with our public key -
* how this is done will be specific to your circumstances */
peerkey = get_peerkey(pkey);

I would also remind you about this important comment at the end of the
code sample:

/* Never use a derived secret directly. Typically it is passed
* through some hash function to produce a key */

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