On 25/05/14 14:40, Mody, Darshan (Darshan) wrote:
> I use below command
> openssl ecparam -out key.pem -name prime256v1 -genkey. I am using another 3rd 
> Party tool SIPp.  Below is the method that sets the SSL CTX

Whilst I don't think its the cause of your problem, I would suggest
adding -noout to the above command (prevents both the parameters and the
key being written out separately to the key file, which is probably not
what you intended).

I took your code and stripped it down to just the code to load the
private key. I also created a key file using the command line you
provided. My code below.

This works fine. What error are you seeing, and what version of openssl
are you using.


#include <openssl/ssl.h>

#define ERROR   printf
#define SSL_INIT_ERROR -1

typedef int ssl_init_status;

static char *tls_key_name = "key.pem";

ssl_init_status FI_init_ssl_context (void)
    SSL_CTX *sip_trp_ssl_ctx;

    sip_trp_ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new( TLSv1_method() );
    if ( sip_trp_ssl_ctx == NULL ) {
        ERROR("FI_init_ssl_context: SSL_CTX_new with TLSv1_method failed");
        return SSL_INIT_ERROR;

    if ( SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(sip_trp_ssl_ctx,
                                     SSL_FILETYPE_PEM ) != 1 ) {
        ERROR("FI_init_ssl_context: SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file failed");
        return SSL_INIT_ERROR;


    return SSL_INIT_NORMAL;

int main(void)
        ssl_init_status ret;

        ret = FI_init_ssl_context();
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