Not so bad idea considering that any C program, with modern compilers, can be compiled as cpp with no problem.
I am mixing code like this for years with no problem.

Other apps, in other languages, that CAN load dynamic libraries, could take benefit of "c++ to c lib" technique wrapping such as suggested by other fellow here.
But of course...this can be painful.

Interprocess communication (between a XXX language program and a C++ SSL translator) is also a possibility.

Considering stunnel is also a very good solution most of the time:
why reinvent the wheel if one just need to talk SSL over TCP...

Le 09/09/2014 20:42, Iñaki Baz Castillo a écrit :

The (bad) idea of using C++ namespaces was just targered for those integrating OpenSSL into their own C++ projects.

El 09/09/2014 20:39, "Larry Bugbee" < <>> escribió:

    In the FWIW column....

    Please don't mangle names by forcing C++ namespaces.  Some us call
    OpenSSL from Python (and other dynamic languages) and depend on
    the C naming convention.  Adding a "OSSL_" prefix is fine;
    mangling creates huge problems.

    -- Sent fm iTouch via Boxer

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