> On Aug 16, 2019, at 6:13 AM, Salz, Rich via openssl-users 
> <openssl-users@openssl.org> wrote:
> subjectAltName is rarely marked as critical; sec of PKIX says "SHOULD 
> mark subjectAltName as non-critical"

This is wrong.  When the subject DN is empty, the subjectAltName should be
marked as critical.  IIRC some Java implementations reject the certificate

> I can believe that OpenSSL doesn't support empty subjectName's.  An empty 
> one, with no relative disintuished name components, is not the same as not 
> present.

OpenSSL supports empty (empty RDN sequence) subject DNs.
The "-subj /" option is one way to make that happen.

Empty is of course different from "absent", which is not
possible, since the subject DN is a required component of
an X.509 certificate.


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