On 8/16/19 12:34 PM, Erwann Abalea wrote:

Having a critical extension adds 3 octets (the BOOLEAN tag, length=1, 
value=0xff). It may, as a side effect, enlarge the number of octets necessary 
to encode some structure size.

Remove the 2 Netscape extensions, they're way obsolete (don't know why OpenSSL 
keeps them by default).

If size is a hard constraint:
  - you can probably remove the emailProtection EKU (it's an OID, you'll gain 
10 octets). Depending on your use-case, you may need to tweak the EKU (or 
remove it completely).
  - SKI and AKI extensions may not be necessary
  - Key Usage may be marked as non critical (it's a SHOULD in PKIX)

I will look at this and figure out what to change in my .cnf.  I have been using what I have in my:


A quick reading of RFC8002 tells me that you may need to include the 
IssuerAltName extension as well?

That is the 8002 SHOULD.  But following rfc 2119 on SHOULD, since I can calculate the Issuer HHIT from the prefix in issuerName and the Issuer's Public Key (not carried in the client cert, got to go up the chain to get that), I am avoiding at this stage of development to closely follow 8002.  Still thinking on all this.

Thank you on your help

Erwann Abalea

Le 16/08/2019 17:11, « openssl-users au nom de Robert Moskowitz » 
<openssl-users-boun...@openssl.org au nom de r...@htt-consult.com> a écrit :

On 8/16/19 8:41 AM, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
     >> On Aug 16, 2019, at 6:13 AM, Salz, Rich via openssl-users 
<openssl-users@openssl.org> wrote:
     >> subjectAltName is rarely marked as critical; sec of PKIX says 
"SHOULD mark subjectAltName as non-critical"
     > This is wrong.  When the subject DN is empty, the subjectAltName should 
     > marked as critical.  IIRC some Java implementations reject the 
     > otherwise.
I have just created a client cert with empty subjectName and critical
     subjectAltName.  Interestingly, it is 4 bytes larger than the earlier
     non-critical SAN cert.  See below for the output of the cert.
>> I can believe that OpenSSL doesn't support empty subjectName's. An empty one, with no relative disintuished name components, is not the same as not present.
     > OpenSSL supports empty (empty RDN sequence) subject DNs.
     > The "-subj /" option is one way to make that happen.
     > Empty is of course different from "absent", which is not
     > possible, since the subject DN is a required component of
     > an X.509 certificate.
I now have it clear that Empty SN is NOT a cert with NO SN. It is there
     with null content.
Thank you all. $ openssl x509 -noout -text -in $dir/certs/device2.cert.pem
              Version: 3 (0x2)
              Serial Number:
              Signature Algorithm: ED25519
              Issuer: CN = 2001:24:28:14::/64
                  Not Before: Aug 16 14:54:58 2019 GMT
                  Not After : Aug 25 14:54:58 2020 GMT
              Subject Public Key Info:
                  Public Key Algorithm: ED25519
                      ED25519 Public-Key:
              X509v3 extensions:
                  X509v3 Basic Constraints:
                  Netscape Cert Type:
                      SSL Client, S/MIME
                  Netscape Comment:
                      OpenSSL Generated Client Certificate
                  X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
                  X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
X509v3 Key Usage: critical
                      Digital Signature, Non Repudiation, Key Encipherment
                  X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
                      TLS Web Client Authentication, E-mail Protection
                  X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: critical
                      IP Address:2001:24:28:14:2B6E:2C43:A2D8:507C
          Signature Algorithm: ED25519

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