I'd suggest giving a build without the no-asm option a try. The performance difference is usually quite significant.

Statis vs dynamic builds wouldn't normally be associated with such a large difference. If the difference were routinely this large, nobody would use dynamic linking.


On 21/1/21 10:37 am, Michael Wojcik wrote:
From: openssl-users <openssl-users-boun...@openssl.org> On Behalf Of Dr Paul
Sent: Wednesday, 20 January, 2021 16:19

Try building without the no-asm configuration option.

That was my first thought, but according to Dan's message, the firedaemon 
version is also built with no-asm.

The only relevant differences I see between the two builds are static (Dan's) 
versus dynamic (firedaemon's) linkage:

On 21/1/21 6:18 am, Dan Heinz wrote:

compiler: cl /Fdossl_static.pdb  /Gs0 /GF /Gy /MT /Zi /W3 /wd4090

/MT uses the static-linked MSVC runtime.

Here is the downloaded binary from
compiler: cl /Zi /Fdossl_static.pdb /Gs0 /GF /Gy /MD /W3 /wd4090 /nologo

/MD uses the dynamic-linked MSVC runtime.

Here are my configure parameters:
Configure VC-WIN64A no-shared  no-asm no-idea no-mdc2 no-rc5 no-ssl2
no-ssl3 no-zlib no-comp no-pinshared no-ui-console

And their configure parameters:
Configure VC-WIN64Ano-asm no-ssl3 no-zlib no-comp no-ui-console
--api=1.1.0 --prefix="%openssl-dst%" --openssldir=ssl

Assuming the lack of a space between "VC_WIN64A" and "no-asm" is a typo, 
they're also building with no-asm, and the only significant difference for this case that I can see 
is no-shared. (no-pinshared looks even less likely to affect this test, and does it even have any 
effect when building no-shared?)

Linking with /MT will affect code size and layout, which could adversely affect 
code caching. It's not impossible that would have a factor-of-four penalty on 
compute-bound code. I'm reluctant to conclude that's the problem, though, 
without more evidence.

Unfortunately tracking this down would likely require profiling.

That's assuming Dan is correct about the firedaemon build being configured with 

Michael Wojcik

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