Just a couple of updates this week.

* I have assigned PTLs (for projects that have PTLs [1]) to their respective tasks in StoryBoard [2]. If someone else on your team is planning on working on the pre-upgrade check goal then please just reassign ownership of the task.

* I have started going through some project release notes looking for upgrade impacts and leaving notes in the task assigned per project. There were some questions at the PTG about what some projects could add for pre-upgrade checks so check your task to see if I've left any thoughts. I have not gone through all projects yet.

* Ben Nemec has extracted the common upgrade check CLI framework into a library [3] (thanks Ben!) and is working on getting that imported into Gerrit. It would be great if projects that start working on the goal can try using that library and provide feedback.

[1] https://governance.openstack.org/election/results/stein/ptl.html
[2] https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2003657
[3] https://github.com/cybertron/oslo.upgradecheck




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