Excerpts from Zhipeng Huang's message of 2018-09-14 18:51:40 -0600:
> Hi,
> Based upon the discussion we had at the TC session in the afternoon, I'm
> starting to draft a patch to add long term goal mechanism into governance.
> It is by no means a complete solution at the moment (still have not thought
> through the execution method yet to make sure the outcome), but feel free
> to provide your feedback at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/602799/ .
> -- 
> Zhipeng (Howard) Huang

[I commented on the patch, but I'll also reply here for anyone not
following the review.]

I'm glad to see the increased interest in goals. Before we change
the existing process, though, I would prefer to see engagement with
the current process. We can start by having SIGs and WGs update the
etherpad where we track goal proposals
(https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/community-goals) and then we can
see if we actually need to manage goals across multiple release
cycles as a single unit.


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