
it looks that there is no more activity on the survey for mid-cycle dates so I went forward to evaluate it.

I created a table view into the etherpad [0] and results are following:
* option1 (Jul 28 - Aug 1): 27 attendees - collides with Nova/Ironic
* option2 (Jul 21-25)     : 27 attendees
* option3 (Jul 25-29)     : 17 attendees - collides with Nova/Ironic
* option4 (Aug 11-15)     : 13 attendees

I think that we can remove options 3 and 4 from the consideration, because there is lot of people who can't make it. So we have option1 and option2 left. Since Robert and Devananda (PTLs on the projects) can't make option1, which also conflicts with Nova/Ironic meetup, I think it is pretty straightforward.

Based on the survey the winning date for the mid-cycle meetup is option2: July 21th - 25th.

Does anybody have very strong reason why we shouldn't fix the date for option2 and proceed forward with the organization for the meetup?

Thanks for all the interest
-- Jarda

[0] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/juno-midcycle-meetup

On 2014/28/05 13:05, Jaromir Coufal wrote:
Hi to all,

after previous TripleO & Ironic mid-cycle meetup, which I believe was
beneficial for all, I would like to suggest that we meet again in the
middle of Juno cycle to discuss current progress, blockers, next steps
and of course get some beer all together :)

Last time, TripleO and Ironic merged their meetings together and I think
it was great idea. This time I would like to invite also Heat team if
they want to join. Our cooperation is increasing and I think it would be
great, if we can discuss all issues together.

Red Hat offered to host this event, so I am very happy to invite you all
and I would like to ask, who would come if there was a mid-cycle meetup
in following dates and place:

* July 28 - Aug 1
* Red Hat office, Raleigh, North Carolina

If you are intending to join, please, fill yourselves into this etherpad:

-- Jarda

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