I know that the change from ".." to "[1]" has been quite a sticky point for
some, so I have some other proposals, let me know what you think:

The CompoundRoot object will _always_ be the foundation for the
OgnlValueStack. I added a method peek() to it so that we could do:

<ww:push value="counter">
 <ww:push value="count">
  <ww:property value="peek()"/>

I had to do this because doing "." does work anymore either (I know, I
know). But that got me thinking, and I can add an up() or down() (depending
on how you look at it) method to CompoundRoot so that instead of "[1]" you'd
have: "up()":

<ww:property value="up().blah"/>
<ww:property value="[1].blah"/>
--- are both the same as the old ---
<ww:property value="../blah"/>

If Ognl is just totally unacceptable, then let's discuss two options:
1) Redevelop the WW EL with speed as well as type conversion both as a top
2) Develop XWork to support pluggable ValueStack implementations


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