On Wednesday, July 2, 2003, at 06:56 PM, Mike Cannon-Brookes wrote:
Well, there are tonnes of use cases for this (you are talking about commands

The most commonly quoted one is a CRUD action. You create different methods
like doCreate(), doUpdate() and have the same fields (ie name, email etc).

For CRUD actions, I'd probably (with what I know of WW2 thus far), do this:

abstract public class CrudAction implements Action {
   final public void setOperation(String operation) { ... }
   final public String execute() throws Exception {
      // switch on operation value

   abstract protected String create() throws Exception;
   abstract protected String retrieve() throws Exception;
   abstract protected String update() throws Exception;
   abstract protected String delete() throws Exception;

Why do we need an Action to have multiple entry points? I still don't get it. Having the framework lock it into a single entry point does not prevent patterns of multiple entry point implementations.

I thought we were trying to get away from Struts... let's lose the "do" prefix :))


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