Thanks for the review and comments.  My notes interspersed below.

On 1/6/2016 1:31 AM, wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> When I was reading your message. Two possibilities came up:
> a) smaller subnets take precedence over larger subnets, which can cause all 
> sorts of undesirable effects when you have overlapping networks (though not 
> appropriate in your case, I think)
I don't think I have any overlapping networks.  The VPN server LAN is 
192.168.112.xx, while the remote client LAN is 192.168.123.xx.

> b) conflict between routes pushed by dhcp and openvpn. If the dhcp-lease time 
> is short, it two can have all sorts of "funny effects"
Interesting thought I hadn't heard of before.  I will have to do a 
little research and educating myself on this topic.  I am running 
dnsmasq on my VPN server LAN.  Most of the desktops get a set IP from 
the DHCP server where the lease time is specified as infinite. The other 
servers in the LAN have fixed IPs and are not DHCP enabled.  So in that 
respect the DHCP environment in the LAN is mixed.

> Next I just had a quick glance on the mentioned url....
> What caught my attention was this:
> On the VPN-server you have this line:
> push "route"
> While your machine has  this LAN config:
> [root@sequoia ~]# ifconfig
> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr aa:bb:00:9D:B2:49
>            inet addr:  Bcast: Mask:
> ....
> You might have a conflict there....
I am going to need more explanation here, as I am not sure what you are 
describing.  Showing the limits of my routing knowledge.  I appreciate 
the feedback.


Jeff Boyce, CF
Meridian Environmental
2136 Westlake Ave. North
Seattle, WA  98109

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