Have you guys thought organizing a (very) public Kickstarter.com project for 
the purpose of raising the funds and creating awareness of need?


On May 10, 2010, at 8:06 PM, Moritz Bartl wrote:

> Hi,
> At the moment, 25% of all traffic exits through Blutmagie (thanks
> Olaf!). I guess we all agree that this situation is far from optimal.
> Judging from the number of requests in the last months where people
> were looking for friendly ISPs, help with setting up, running and
> managing Tor nodes, and especially abuse handling advice, I think there
> is enough interest to fund another big node.
> I've been in contact with several ISPs lately, asking specifically for
> high bandwidth Tor exit node hosting. I have also added their responses
> to the GoodBadISPs wiki.
> What I am planning is either a large node (split like Blutmagie), if I
> can find enough people to sponsor it, and/or smaller nodes on virtual
> machines, eg. for hidden services hosting. I will personally order the
> machine, manage it, keep Tor(s) running with mostly unrestricted exit
> policies and handle all abuse. The companies selected will not shut
> down the serve but pass all abuse to me, WHOIS notices will be adjusted
> when possible (unfortunately, only a few of them offered that), RDNS
> and notice pages will be set up accordingly.
> I know that this is a controversial topic, and that it would be better
> to have completely independent nodes, but I hope that I can earn your
> trust. I will happily sign an agreement that I will not log/sniff
> traffic. :-) The configuration will be published among sponsors.
> I am open to suggestions here: You as a sponsor might also be
> interested in an additional private VPN service, or use the large drive
> space as backup purposes, I2P etc. You can of course also be mentioned on
> the notice page as sponsor, complete with your company logo.
> If you're interested, feel free to contact me directly. Tell me what
> you'd want to give, and what you'd expect for your money.
> At the moment, I am thinking about something like these (monthly):
> $200 100TB     - http://www.100tb.com/
> $160 100Mbit/s - http://fdcservers.net/
> 50€  10Mbit/s  - http://www.netrouting.nl/
> All depending on how many people are willing to participate.
> -- 
> Moritz Bartl
> GPG 0xED2E9B44
> http://moblog.wiredwings.com/
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