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thus Al MailingList spake:
>> Hi,
>> I don't want to be a party-pooper, but installing just another big node
>> (like blutmagie) would still mean
>> * relatively (still very low) redundancy
>> * strong agglomeration of traffic on only a few nodes
>> (thus leading to)
>> * relatively simple eavesdropping of exit traffic
>> When speaking in terms of bandwidth, e.g. 150Mbps, then I'd rather
>> spread it across n machines with 150Mbps/n each.
>> Just a thought.
>>> Cheers,
>>> David
>> Timo
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> Any new nodes are great, 


> but it does seem like the best option might
> be to get people to donate to a pool of money, from which a number of
> smaller servers are paid for. 


> Ideally also, there would be a pool of
> admins, so a different person could run each node (or at least a few
> nodes of the larger pool)?

I'd like to mention that it'd be an ideal solution, especially to
'create trust', to have an XOR-like admin network. So, admin A is
responsible for node A, admin B -> node B, etc, while nobody knows
another nodes credentials. However, they of course may belong to the
same family.

> Al

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