My first choice is Landscape.

My second is Being Sumapaz

The reason is visually.

I like also the name Sumapaz


On Apr 5, 2020, at 6:28 PM, Gerardo <> 
> Can you please help me choose one of the following three pictures of folds
> for a photograph collective activity? I must only choose one and I really
> can't make up my mind!
> "Landscape":
> "Being Sumapaz":
> "No name":
> Which one would you choose, but more importantly *why*?
> You can share your opinion through the list or privately with me by sending
> me a message to gerardo(a) Please don't forget to also give a
> reason as to why you choose that one over the other two.
> Thank you : )
> --
> Gerardo
> gerardo(a)

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