I am going to be somewhat contrary to most of your other responses.  My 
preference is Being Sumapaz.  The fact that it appears to be freestanding and, 
to me, it appears to be representative of a few trees in the country, makes it 
tops,  Also, the fact that the other two are framed causes me to notice the 
folds rather than the theme.

Sent from my iPad

> On Apr 6, 2020, at 4:19 PM, Mercedes Batista via Origami 
> <origami@lists.digitalorigami.com> wrote:
>> On Apr 6, 2020, at 5:04 AM, Mercedes Batista via Origami 
>> <origami@lists.digitalorigami.com> wrote:
>> My first choice is Landscape.
>> My second choice is “No Name"
>> I like also like the “name" Sumapaz
>> M
>>> On Apr 5, 2020, at 6:28 PM, Gerardo @neorigami.com <gera...@neorigami.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Can you please help me choose one of the following three pictures of folds
>>> for a photograph collective activity? I must only choose one and I really
>>> can't make up my mind!
>>> "Landscape":
>>> https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/jcDG-G2uO8FYQuEizix-JxP2GfB10qx_bnF5In1L5CN8Ld4ElKCjCjvGiHOLK3u1g2dGQaZLWCkfmIeV1nyiKtMJ-j4d3C1ITyuZbTLTMYxai1Qu5Ijeyp-9dfb8GdEqPbx6V8ksIw=w2400
>>> "Being Sumapaz":
>>> https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/ofBOyuxcgv8UKKFRoEeT09n1Iz5VUeJfZWjnpVZzU2ks0lTeBVRIEJIusnnsql1qW1u127IzhIHtd_y_Cp6Eo2CJkZaILfVr828BHvTPSL60-ICCQrW4Uf3TkcRdn9Lj5J2iSpGT7w=w2400
>>> "No name":
>>> https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/9D-84MNCuC4yEBh8F50ia-8SySoPKc9slF-vFNFowsZcUzhrzvYRllIsiaUINxMyf4PZ1zhd2QEDnoBS_ab3Ivhunr2FUmO__UbdJRgbBTqnYOTF99lWyIsmT8kzX0FnBQIkZcftDA=w2400
>>> Which one would you choose, but more importantly *why*?
>>> You can share your opinion through the list or privately with me by sending
>>> me a message to gerardo(a)neorigami.com Please don't forget to also give a
>>> reason as to why you choose that one over the other two.
>>> Thank you : )
>>> --
>>> Gerardo
>>> gerardo(a)neorigami.com

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