Hi folks,

I would like to thank everyone who has been with us in the last 3 weeks of
Origami Talk.
This has been a great journey and I really enjoyed doing it.

Next Sunday we are going to chat with Evan Zodl.
Here is the link to register for the Event:
When: Sunday, Jun 7, 4pm GMT | 9am PDT | 12pm EDT

During the session, Evan will explain the process involved in creating
origami tutorials from start to finish. He will discuss the benefits and
challenges of teaching origami online, as well as the lessons he has
learned in doing so for the past 12 years. He will also give some insight
into his design process by sharing some of his original fractal, spiral,
and recursive designs.

I have made a small change in the registration process. First I am moving
to mixily which is a simpler platform. hoping to make the process of
getting the ticket easier.
Last 3 weeks there have been hiccups for some people in getting the zoom
link. I hope with the new platform we do not encounter them again.

Second, the ticket is Donation based. You can change the amount to the
amount you like to support the project. So we will not have a fixed price
ticket. Promo codes are also still in effect. So if you have them feel free
to use.

Hope to see you guys this Sunday,

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