An uncle of mine was part of the WWW developing team. I remember doing my very 
first web search under his guidance - keyword “origami” - and finding Joseph 
Wu’s website, sometime between 1991 and 1993, if my memory serves me. I don’t 
remember finding other origami sites at the time. It was early days, and 
websites were mostly text. There were hardly any graphics as yet, although I do 
remember printing out some diagrams at the time.


Sent from my iPhone

> On 6 Aug 2022, at 21:38, OrigamiX <> wrote:
>> On 2022-07-17 18:42, wrote:
>> I'm extending a question asked by a friend from Ecuador on a WhatsApp
>> group. What was the very first origami website?
>> I remember, might it have been that one?
> I have a vague recollection that there were some pre-existing European or 
> Japanese sites. Without Google, it was harder to know what all was out there. 
> Never recall anyone saying origami dot com was first.

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