In short: please don't.

Slightly longer: Please do not intentionally add anyone (or any other list)
via the CC field when posting to the list.

Why? Read on:

We generally have not allowed multiple recipients on O-list postings in
order to stop cross-posting between lists (makes for unwieldy
conversations) and to stop people from mass-CC'ing a ton of people on a
post (potentially exposing their addresses to the public list without their

We've had to very-slightly-relax this requirement to allow the *author* of
a post to be copied on a reply, which sometimes happens automatically due
to a complicated side effect of some modern email security settings.

So while you may sometimes see a list posting whose "To:" field looks like

  To: <someuser@...>, <>

You should not, generally, see - nor, more importantly, *try to create* -
one that is of the form:

  To: <>
  CC: <someotheruser@...>

with or without an extra person on the "To" field. I've just let one
through that has someone CC'd, but they're already on the thread, so there
is no particular harm in it, and it was easier to approve than have the
author re-write it.

But if you add someone to the CC field, it will likely cause the admins to
have to approve the message, which delays your message, and is more work
for us, neither of which is optimal.   :)

So, go fold something, come back and tell us, eschew CC'ing, &c.


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