Dear all,

After looking at the list archive, it seems that Oscar on RHEL 6.x is  (was?) 

The good news is that I'm working hard to make it a reality. The bad news is 
that I'm working on my own SVN since v9483 as the openclustergroup domainname 
has expired and oscar svn was on that domainname.

Status of my oscar version so far: (on centos-6.3 x86_64 svn version: 9508)
- bootstrap is working without any problem (including GPU support in database)
- All step from 1 to 7 are working without any problem (including image 
creation and deployment using systemimager pre4.2.0)
- all post install including CPU count collecting and GPU count collecting is 
working fine
- torque configuration is working fine including GPU support
- blcr included (berkley checkpoint-restart)
- tests are ok for all Default packages
- many fix fixes (typo and verbose debug mainly)
- Experimental package that seems to work fine: maui, ntpconfig, torque (server 
post install and client config are now working fine including GPU nodes 
config), maybe other not tested on my config.

Ongoing work:
- some easy to fix failures in step 8 of Experimental packages that I'm working 
on that should be easy to fix.
- openmpi-oscar, a specific packaging that includes support for torque (not 
included in epel package (does not provides tm interface))
- sge => need a full rewrite to make use of gridengine package (work not 
started yet)

Best regards.

   Olivier LAHAYE
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