Very true we have lots of work ahead. In our meetings i noticed some of 
our limitations. We do not have enough well off members. Many are young 
enthusiasts and still depend on their kuda such as Haris, that has to 
wait till the rain stop before can move on his bike. Many are also 
working makan gaji and cannot easily leave office to spend extra time 
doing NGO or voluntary work.

My priority is to tarik more kambing i mean well-off members and to 
change the image that we are low class or cakap free NGO. That is why i 
welcome the idea from Riz last night to showcase our books in a big way. 
Yesterday also ADempiere announces a PACKT (UK) book by Indonesian 
member out this December 2009 so we better act 
faster. Makin lambat makin orang lain dapat dulu.

1. Declare our books as part of OSDC product with part of the royalty 
going to OSDC (tak banyak, 25 kupang je)
2. MDec to launch such as at a 
prominent international level event such as November's IAP meet.
3. MDec getting Tun Dr. Mahathir to foreword it and PM to launch it as 
proof of Malaysian dominance and pride among the world top projects.
4. MDec can also publish the Bahasa version which ada hikmahnya DBP or 
anyone else belum ingin sapu dengan cepat. Set for January next year.
5. If MDec offers me writing grants so i can do this full time, OSDC can 
have all the royalty (tak banyak, 50 kupang je).

What do you think?

Mohamad Rizatuddin Mohd Ramli wrote:
> Assalamu'aikum kepada semua.
> Berbanyak terima kasih  kepada semua yang menjayakan aktiviti pertama
> kita bersama. Dah formalise publically apa kita nak buat dan
> perjuangkan.
> Kita jumpa lagi lepas hari raya - banyak lagi perancangan yg perlu
> dibuat dan perlaksanakan - terima kasih sekali lagi Salam Eidul Fitri
> Saya cuti hingga 28 Sept'09
> Ritz.

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