Some how I am expecting a standard answer from him. Regardless, here is
another one.

1) In a society that don't care about freedom, how promote freedom in
2) In a society that doesn't see learning something new is hard, that they
rather lose their freedom, how to show that it is worthwhile

2009/10/17 red1 <>

>  I got respond from ADempiere forum from Chile to ask RMS this (maskudnya
> bahawa GNU/Linux adalah keputusan CTO dan ERP adalah keputusan CEO, apakah
> nasihat RMS untuk menghadapi cabaran pembuat keputusan yg tidak teknikal):
> Read and respond to this message at: 
> By: rvergara
> Red1,
> Would like to have his view on the following. Most of the FOSS today can have
> a two prone usage in the enterprise, on one side a personal usage (e.g. an 
> employee
> uses OOo instead os MS office, etc) or a department  or company wide policy.
> However with ERP it has to have a single type of usage, enterprise wide 
> otherwise
> would be in conflict with the essence of ERP. Being this a much higher barrier
> what is his take on how to approach the challenge of introducing a true FOSS
> ERP in the enterprise?
> Hope makes any sense for you and him.
> Regards
> Ramiro
> red1 wrote:
> (sidenote: actually Richard Stallman doesn't like the term Linux. :) )
> ok here goes.
> Setelah beberapa hari berturut duduk dalam Ria dipandu E1 dan Black kami
> dapat berbincang duk belakang sama Syazwan sehingga dapat 2 idea.
> 1. Penguin masuk TV. Kita akan buka channel youtube bertajuk HAKERM
> (hackers malaysia dan berbunyi macam jerman) dimana tokoh2 diinterbiu
> bermula dengan Richard Stallman nanti. Saya akan prepare questions,
> Syazwan akan prepare microfon macam CNN. Saya akan tanya soalan dalam
> Inggeris yang mencabar sehingga dunia tonton giler kat situ.
> Soalan seperti:
> "Why the hell can't you change to a less confusing term such as
> OpenSource or Libre? Free Sofware always confused people as in Free Lunch"
> 2. Penguin masuk TV ni kita ajukan sebagai saluran TV kat Astro. Macam
> salah satu channel Astro tu. Ada satu panel tunjuk live feed interbiu
> kita, dan tunjuk ajar macam facebook oleh Nasrul, Jeritan CyberMerdeka
> oleh Azrul. Satu panel lagi tunjuk tweets etc. Satu panel lagi
> tunjuk iklan.
> 2.b Ide ini boleh dijadikan satu sponsored program Penguin Jejak Siber,
> dimana kita dapat sponsor pusing satu dunia interbiu ahli2 projek top SF
> malaysia spt Adempiere dan JStock untuk dapat pujian dari peminat dunia.
> Ini menaikkan semangat 1MalaysiaBoleh. Juga ramai akan minat ala Realiti
> TV ni dimana naik turun kapal pun kita shoot adegan2 dan komentar dalam
> bahasa mengenai suasana menjelajah. Live feed juga hampir realtime
> kurang2 satu hari kemudian. Live feed menarik itu muat dalam panel besar
> TV dan boleh repeat setelah edit lebih cantik nanti sebagai prime time
> replay.
> >

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