Hi Garret,

I've used 64 bit Suse for several years without problems with osgText.
 Recently I've moved to 64bit Kubunto and don't see any problems
either.  I have had nothing come by that might suggest some latent 64
bit/linux issue.

Do you have problems with osgtext running?  Which version of freetype
do you have?


On 8/16/07, Garrett Potts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello All:
> I am having text/font issues under the 64-bit SUSE.  If ever a
> setText is called on an osgText object there is a core dump that
> occurs.  Note the code works fine on MAC's ad Windows.  I think it
> might be related to 64-bit build on SUSE.  I don't have much more
> details than this.  Commenting out any of the setText code allows my
> application to run fine.  I have also tried the latest dev 2.1.5 with
> the same issues.  I am still poking around but do not know if I can
> resolve this quickly.
> Take care
> Garrett
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