We're looking at using Collada for setting up scenes for physics based 
Collada is great because it integrates physics and graphics, but it is 
also evil for the
same reason, since any Collada reader really should integrate well both 
with a
physics engine and with a graphics engine.
What would be the best way of using the osg collada reader for also 
setting up
the physics? From the way the reader is designed now, as a plug-in that 
delivers nodes
to the scenegrah, it isn't obvious how to connect to a physics library.
I'm fond of the thought of seeing  the support for collada graphics in 
osg being improved
gradually until all the bells and whistle's are supported, and therefore 
I'm not particularly
happy about developing yet another collada reader that is better suited 
for our needs, since
we would have a hard time keeping it updated.

Of course the same questions apply for a collada exporter..


Kenneth Bodin
UmeƄ university, Sweden

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Philosophy of science and technology 
is good for scientists.
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