Sweet! I see the movies are in wmv... eww, haha. That may help Windows
users but then Linux and Mac users can't watch them (without finding
codecs). A standard video format would be nicer...

But anyways, I found some more issues when building. If I try to build
with Lua I get compiler errors that it can't find lua.h. On my ubuntu
machine, I have Lua 5.0 installed, and apparently it has a separate
directory (lua50)... and so does Lua 5.1 (lua5.1)... so the current
package lookup for "lua" doesn't work. And I don't get the option to
set my own path to Lua if it's not found. I'm not a CMake wiz either
so I hunted down some FindLua cmake files here:

So I changed my local CMake to pick up the lua50 package, and I get
another error that "luaL_openlibs" could not be found. I think that is
a lua 5.1 call? So back to CMake, haha. So maybe a note that lua
requires lua 5.1... and it's all compiling now (had to change the
package from "lua" to "lua5.1").

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