Well I thought I'd post my conclusions on the off chance that someone else 
wants to build a user interface with OSG, AND is as ignorant as I am about 
OpenGL and 3D graphics.
  Let's start off by saying that OSG is a low-level graphics package - quite a 
good one in my opinion.  The expertise to understand all the 'clip space' 
'DelaunayTriangulator' and all the other real-time 3D graphic techno-wizardry 
that I rely on OSG to provide - doesn't really carry over into supporting a 
fancy GUI (graphical user interface).  Further - someone that can argue the 
nuances of quaternion multiplication - which I cannot - probably isn't going to 
be really gifted in event handling to any fancy degree.  If someone *can* do 
both - then they probably don't need to wear a life vest since they can 
probably walk on water!
  So - using the excellent CompositeViewer and using an osgViewer::View to 
present a menu and with the requisite event handler to handle menu picks.  (See 
examples osgHUD, osgPICK, and osgCompositeViewer for the basics.)
  The Rules
  (1) Thou shalt not remove a view with an event handler.  The logic of the 
processing assumes that the number of views doesn't change from start to 
finish, and I can't fix it without making things worse.
  (2) Thou shalt use the viewer with osgViewer::ViewerBase::SingleThreaded.  It 
appears to my testing that popping GUI menus (aka Views) in and out while it's 
multithreading works _most_ of the time.  I want my project to work _all_ of 
the time - hence The Rule.
  You can add a view (popup a GUI menu) in an event, but the trick is to remove 
a view (close a GUI menu).  You can't do that when you run OSG with the simple 
viewer.run call.  You must run the viewer one frame at a time.  
  This is what I've done.  Make a boolean global variable something link 
  Then implement OSG with the 'old school':
  do while() 
  type loop.  In the appropriate event handler(s) - "schedule" the view to be 
removed by setting your global variable.  You'll need logic after the 
viewer.frame call to check this variable and remove the view.  Something like:
  do while()
    if (RemoveGUI)
      RemoveGUI = false
  I've not tried to use the available OpenGL eye-candy (slider bars and all 
that) - is the technical term widgets? - to create a full on GUI experience.  
In my own case I'm not sure I need to.
  So: Elegant? No.  Spiffy? No.  That's not what OSG is about. 
  Effective?  You bet.

-Steve Schneider
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