On Feb 19, 2008 3:25 PM, Bradford, Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Can anyone explain the significant differences between using an LOD that
> has many ProxyNode children for paging vs. a full PagedLOD node?  Right now,
> the biggest benefit that I see for PagedLOD nodes is that they'll continue
> to shower lower quality children until the next higher is paged in, whereas
> the LOD with ProxyNodes would have popping effects.

PagedLOD provides load balance - such that subgraphs that are no
longer being traversed can be marked as expired and removed from the
scene graph.  The osgDB::DatabasePager does all this pruning
automatically for you.

ProxyNode is just a ProxyNode for differing loading of a scene graph
till its required, its very simple compared to PagedLOD and serves a
very different purpose.  If need a paged database use PagedLOD.

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