Hi Kim,

Try changing your viewer to run single threaded, or try setting the
DataVariance on the Text to DYNAMIC to tell the draw traversal that
its an dynamic objects and to hold back the next frame till this has
been rendered.


On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 3:29 PM, Kim C Bale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ah ok, bit of a follow up to that, the crash doesn't occur when updating the 
> position of the slider, but when it updates an osgText::Text object using 
> ->setText(string);
>  It will do it a few times and seems to crash intermittently if I change it 
> too often.
>  Any thoughts?
>  ________________________________
>  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Kim C Bale
>  Sent: Mon 25/02/2008 14:53
>  To: osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org
>  Subject: [osg-users] Updating node position in event handler.
>  I have written a small set of user ortho 2d interface classes one of which 
> includes a slider bar control.
>  I detect the intersection with the slider's geometry to check the mouse has 
> a hold of it and then update it's position based on the coordinates I get 
> from the event handlers 'drag' event.
>  The problem is that when I update the positionattitudetransform of the 
> slider geometry with the coordinates of the mouse from the event handler i 
> get a crash.
>  I have a feeling that it is because I am trying to update the position in 
> Drag event during the event traversal.
>  Is it it correct to assume that you should only update transformations, 
> geometry etc when in the update traversal?
>  If so how can I ensure that these changes are made in the update traversal 
> and not in the event loop?
>  My apologies for this rather vague description, hopefully someone will see 
> what I'm getting at.
>  Cheers,
>  Kim.
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