On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 10:57 PM, Stephan Huber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jean-Sébastien Guay schrieb:
> > Assuming the same thing is possible for X and/or MacOS, would it be
>  > possible to expose this method in
>  > osg::GraphicsContext::WindowingSystemInterface? It would then be
>  > possible to get osgViewer to support screen arrangements other than a
>  > basic horizontal linear setup, plus it would be nice for applications to
>  > use as well :-)
>  I am using a similar mechanism for the OS X implementation of
>  GraphicsWindow. GraphicsWindowCarbon::realize gets the delta form the
>  WindowingInterface for a given screenIdentifier, so the window gets
>  positioned on the right screen.
>  One functionality is missing right now: if you move a window from one
>  screen to another, the screen-identifier gets not updated, so if you go
>  fullscreen, the window gets expanded on the wrong screen.

This is something that is probably a bug on other OS's as well so is
probably something worth being aware of.

>  If there's a proposal for the new method I can code the stuff for OS X.

Thanks, we might just come a calling quite soon ;-)

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