Hi Nicolas,

This does sound like a bug.  Could you write a small example, or tweak
one of the existing OSG example to demonstrate the configuration you
are using so that others can test for the bug first hand.


On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 11:57 PM, nicolas peña <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having a problem that is maybe well the result of  my lack knowledge but
> smells like a bug;
> I have a composite viewer with two views, one camera each. Both cameras
> share
> the rendering context. One renders to a window (defined in the traits passed
> to generate the
>  render context) and the other renders to a FBO. The later has an image
> attached to the color
> Buffer, whose size is supposed to determine the FBO size.
> This is in fact what happens at first, but if I interact a bit with the
> visible and only window
>  ( where the other camera is rendering)for example moving it, the size of
> the image attached to the FBO
> is set to the same value as the window.
> What I am missing here?
> Thanks a lot,
>               Nicolas.
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