On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 1:24 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I built the data base as 16 tiles of 4kx4k each tile
>  running osgdem -l 6 , would running -l 8 help performance?

It won't make any real difference.  Things should scale comfortable to
level 18 and beyond.  Level 6 and level 8 really rather small in the
great scheme of things.

>  Everything is local to a single machine. I have tried
>  release
>  and debug versions. The machines I have been using range
>  from
>  an athalon x2, 2gigs of ram + built in ati video (20-30 fps)
>  to a 2.4 gig core 2 duo , with 4 gigs ram, GeForce 8800 GTX,
>  and 2x raid0 hard drive array. (60 fps)

ATI doesn't do display lists at all well, change the DatabasePager to
use vertex arrays to see if that helps.  Run osgviewer --help-env to
list the env vars that you can use to enable the use of vertex arrays.

>  In both cases the lag spikes occurs at various points as the
>  camera is moving over the database. My FPS counter might be
>  60,60,60,10,18,60,60,60. As soon as the data has been loaded
>  the app runs rock steady.

There is something odd going on your machine.  You should just get a
solid 60Hz.  The DatabasePager is designed to load balance to
shouldn't get big frame drops.

Is there another process running on your machine?

What OS are you using?  What other apps are running?

>  I have tried playing with the LoDScale settings and can
>  minimize
>  the impact by lowering how much of the database gets loaded.
>  Is there an easy way to tell the pagedLOD's to just load the
>  data and never retire the unused data? I think if I kept the
>  whole
>  thing in memory I would be golden.

See include/osgDB/DatabasePager and osgviewer --help-env for the
vairous methods of control the load balancing.

But.. you shouldn't really need to play with it much, you frame misses
are likely to be due to something else.

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