On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 3:12 PM, aurora restivo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  where is CartesianLocator?
>  it belongs to Locator it is not included in the libreres of Open Scenes
>  Graph 2.2.0

osgTerrain is a bit in flux due to the very early nature of its
development - we practice release early release often, so rather than
hold osgTerrain back till its perfected for a small set of users/usage
models its been rolled out to wider exposure.  As part of the shake
down Locator has been changed from a base class into a single class.
The equivilent to CartesianLocator is Locator with its type set to
PROJECTED.  GEOGRAPHIC is also a Cartesian coordinate frame.
GEOCENTRIC is a whole earth, ellipsoid model.

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