HI Martk,

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 10:55 PM, Mark Hurry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I always move my terrain around the eyepoint rather than move the eyepoint
>  around the terrain, so that you always maintain as much decimal part
>  accuracy as possible.

What do you mean by move the terrain?  Place a transform above?  Move
individual vertices?

FYI, The OSG uses double Matrices by default, and the camera and
associated manipulators all use doubles, and whether you using a
transform in the scene to move to eye coordinates, or leave this
matrix to the view matrix to do it, its is in the end exactly the same
matrix with exactly the same precision.

>  You should explicitly control the near/far clipping distances in your
>  viewing. This should help reduce any tearing or popping of the terrain

The OSG has a range of modes of managing the near/far planes, one can
just manually set the values, but fixed ranges aren't always
appropriate, and the OSG computed ones are capable of giving better
depth precision by moving the near and far planes to better the model
in each frame.   I'd recommend checking out the range of options and
understanding how they work.

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