Hi Benjamin,

On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 12:24 AM, Benjamin Eikel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Have you explored multiple CPU/GPU set ups on a single machine?
>  We have two CPUs but only one GPU on each node in the cluster.
> >
>  > Have you fully explored scene graph/OpenGL optimization?
>  I think you mean that we do not needed to use a cluster at all, because the
>  scenes can be rendered on one computer. I think I can answer that with no. We
>  are trying to create a parallel rendering algorithm and want to check how
>  well it scales with the number of cluster nodes used. In the end it will
>  hopefully be able to render really massive scenes (some hundred millions
>  polygons) You can see it as some kind of research.

Ahh, understood, its research rather than just trying to solve a
specific performance issue.

BTW, modern GPU's can do hundreds of millions of polygons per second
right now ;-)

As its research might I suggest benchmarking different types of scenes
between a single workstation with a single GPU, multiple GPU's and the
cluster.  I strongly suspect it's only a small set of scenes that will
favour a cluster.

> So it is no option to only
>  use a single big workstation. We do not want to use the rendering of
>  OpenSceneGraph (or Chromium which was suggested in another e-mail) because we
>  want to implement some algorithm ourselves to be able to handle these massive
>  scenes (dynamical LOD with loose octrees for big models for example). When
>  writing these rendering ourselves, we have more freedom in doing so.
>  Of course we could write the whole system without using OpenSceneGraph. But 
> as
>  stated before, it would be very nice to use some of its features on our
>  central computer so we do not have to implement things like picking,
>  dragging, culling and so on.
>  We already began the implementation and now the question is, as stated in my
>  first mail, how we can use the power of OpenSceneGraph on the front end to
>  ease our lives. I have already used OSG in my Bachelor's thesis to implement
>  adaptive animation algorithms and was very pleased by it's features. But I am
>  not quite sure if the way I described in my first mail is the right one to
>  follow. I do not know if it might be better to put the interface between this
>  front end node and the rendering slaves somewhere else. So further hints are
>  greatly appreciated.

There are different levels of distributed rendering.  Low level like -
distributed GL like Chomium, through to high level distributed IG
where all nodes have a local copy of all the data with high level
state like camera matrices etc. sync'd from the master.   What level
of granularity are you aiming for?  Will you have the opportunity to
test/develop various levels?

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