Hi Pete,

Try using pbuffer rather than FBO, NVidia's Linux OpenGL drivers
handling of FBO'd cubemaps broke performance wise about six months
ago.  Switch back to Pbuffer fixes the performance issue even though
it introduces a copy texture operation.

Unfortunately I haven't yet exposed an option to View::setUpView*() to
allow one to require an pbuffer rather than a FBO.  You could tweak it
by hand though and see how you get on.


On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 3:55 PM, Pete Carss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello All,
>  I posted about this a couple of weeks ago, but didn't have much info.
>  I'm getting really poor framerates ( < 10 )from our software which is
>  based on osgdistortion on a Core 2 Quad machine with a Quadro 3500
>  running Ubuntu 7.10.
>  My P4 + Quadro 3450, and my Core 2 Duo + Quadro 1600M laptop run the
>  software fine (also Ubuntu).
>  I upgraded the Core 2 Quad to Ubuntu 8.04 (to match the P4) and the
>  problem went away. The other day I noticed that the Core 2 Quad could
>  only see one of its cores - I upgraded to an SMP kernel, and the problem
>  came back.
>  In the last 2 days I've been experimenting with Fedora + CCRMA -
>  interestingly with an SMP kernel, it exhibits exactly the same
>  behaviour. I don't see this behaviour under FreeBSD (6.2 and 7.0).
>  I see this behaviour with osgdistorion --dome, and also osgprerendercubemap.
>  I suspect that this is a Linux/SMP problem rather than an OSG problem,
>  but I thought you guys might have seen this behaviour, or know
>  workarounds...
>  Pete
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