Hi Xiaodong,

Could it be that you are looking for the camera manipulator
setHomePosition or computeHomePosition method? i.e.



On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 2:35 AM, Wu Xiaodong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I am freshman in OpenSceneGrapph.  Now I have some issue on updating the
> Camera when the Geode under it was updated.
> the details of the issue is as following.
>  1st step. I build a viewer and its scene graph with only one osg::Geometry
> which contains nothing. and set a TrackballManipulator to the viewer's
> camera;
>         osg::ref_ptr<osgGA::TrackballManipulator> trackBall = new
> osgGA::TrackballManipulator;
>         setCameraManipulator( trackBall.get() );
>  2nd step. I update the one Geometry by a object of  the class derived from
> the Geometry node's UpdateCallBack class;
> the default track ball center seems to be the (0,0,0); when the Gemetry is
> updated, the Geometry node's center is changed into (x0,y0,z0); but the
> track ball rotate around the vertex ( 0,0,0). How can I make it rotate
> around the (x0,y0,z0 );
>        I read the OSG's reference docs, may I can achieve it by
> setPreDrawCallback (DrawCallback *cb) .
>       Is there any advice about the application above, Thanks.
>                                                                Xiaodong Wu
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