On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 10:31 PM, Night Hawk
> Would like to know the reason behind this and What are the alternatives?
> Why is the setVertexArray not defined for the double vec type and how to use
> TriangleFunctor with LineSegment Intersections with that type.

Vec3d support in osg::Array/osg::Geometry is new to the 2.3.x series,
not all code is update to handle this generalization.

Vec3d support has been added primarily to support better precision in
loads that handle whole earth data such as shape files, and then only
for loading support with the assumption that later processing on this
data will turn it into more conventional Vec3 type data when rendering
is required.   Vec3d support is really really bad for rendering so I
strongly recommend you not to use Vec3d generally in your scene graph.

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